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Глобальная сеть экодеревень, образовательные дискаунты

Hi. In regards to the below training all GEN and NextGEN members receive the 15% discount even if booking as an individual just mention GEN in your booking.
If you intend to book more than one place please contact John Buck directly for further discounts. Discounts will vary in relation to your purpose for doing the training.

Could someone please forward to non-European lists

Begin forwarded message:

From: Governance Alive <contact@governancealive.com>

Date: 5 November 2010 02:19:23 GMT

To: sociocracy-news@googlegroups.com, sociocracy@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [Sociocracy News 18] REMINDER - Advanced Facilitation Dynamic Governance Online Course - FALL 2010

Reply-To: sociocracy-news+owners@googlegroups.com



Improve your ability to lead any meeting by taking the Advanced Dynamic Governance Facilitation online course! Your skills will improve your team’s collective IQ. This course is particularly helpful for people in organizations that are implementing dynamic governance.
Why? …because some of the most difficult facilitation challenges may occur early in the implementation process.

The course includes all three dynamic governance decision-making techniques and concrete strategies for dealing with charged issues and people. You will have many opportunities to practice your skills in the “learning laboratory” of the course. (Our online format lets you both see and hear all the other class participants.) You’ll get encouragement and support for your facilitation activities during and after your training.

Dates: November 30th; December 7nd and 21st, 2010; January 4th and 18th; February 1st, 2011. (Dates are dispersed to give participants opportunity to practice facilitation between sessions.)
Days: Tuesday
Time: 10:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. Eastern Time (GMT -5)
Cost: $340.00 ($290.00/person when registering 2 or more people from
the same organization)

To register please go to www.GovernanceAlive.com/Register and select the Advanced Facilitation course. (Please copy and paste this link into your browser.)

For high quality experiential learning, the courses are limited to a minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 participants. So that we have time to forward your pre-class materials, we encourage you to register no later than November 21th, 2010.

The workshop fees include all class materials and a copy of "We The People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy," a book written by John Buck and Sharon Villines.

Questions or concerns? Please call us at 800-870-2092 or email us through www.GovernanceAlive.com/home/

Feel free to forward this information to others who may be interested.
We look forward to hearing from you!

John Buck
GovernanceAlive, LLC

Dynamic Self-Governance, Sociocracy and Holacracy

Dynamic Self-Governance (DSG) is a more accessible term for Sociocracy.
Sociocracy literally means rule by the “socios”, people who have a social relationship with each other.
Recently another model based on DSG has emerged: “Holacracy”. Holacracy is based on the same principles as Sociocracy and DSG. Where DynamicSelf-Governance asks for one perspective shift, Holacracy asks another: a Spiritual perspective shift. NextGEN utilizes the benefits of all these models and more while making them simple and accessible.


For further details please see
Governance Alive
Holacracy (recommend listening to the audio’s on this site or from “What Is Enlightenment “WE THE PEOPLE Consenting to a Deeper Democracy” by John Buck and Sharon Villines ISBN 978-0-9792827-0-6 (John Buck has been supporting NextGEN in its local and global DSG work)

Yahoo Sociocracy group:

It has active discussions on Sociocracy, some of them are interesting and some are not, I half read about half of the messages.

Holacracy offer free intro sessions and very expensive trainings

Governance Alive offer limited free sessions and very cheap trainings. All GEN and NextGEN members receive a discount from their trainings.

Добавлена 03.05.2024 в 15:16:29

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